Padova | Italy
The goal of the J3C 2025 Doctoral Symposium is to provide an international forum for doctoral students to interact with and engage with academic mentors working in the areas of the Joint Conference on Computers, Cognition and Communication. The symposium supports contributors directly, and provides independent and constructive feedback about contributors’ already completed and planned research.
The Symposium will have a half-day workshop format, with presentations by the doctoral students whose papers are accepted by peer reviewers, posters sessions, feedback from the mentors (who are among the peer reviewers), and plenty of time for discussion. The workshop is open to all research students, mentors, presenters, and all other conference participants.
Doctoral students should consider participating in the Doctoral Symposium if they are at least six months away from completing their dissertation at the time of the event, but after having settled on a research area or thesis topic.
Each student’s Doctoral Symposium submission consists a short paper describing the student’s dissertation research. This paper submission has to be authored by the student only, and must follow the following structure:
Submissions must not exceed five (4) pages plus two (1) pages for references and adhere to the J3C Submission Guidelines.