Picture of Prato della Valle during the night

Padova | Italy


About TA'2025

Cyber physical systems

Internet of Things



The 7th IFAC Symposium on Telematics Applications (TA 2025) will be held in Padova, Italy, over 15-18 September 2025.
The aim of the conference is to report on recent research and application of telematics. Researchers and practitioners are invited to discuss recent developments, deployments, technology trends and research results, as well as initiatives related to telematics applications. Both colleagues from academia and from industry are cordially invited to contribute to this tri-annual symposium. The concepts of Cyber Physical Systems, Industrial Internet of Things, Industry of Future, Intelligent-Defined Networking and Green Networking will be also highlighted.


Topics of interest include:
- Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)
- Cloud robotics
- Control of networks
- Control through networks
- Distributed networked satellites
- Intelligent homes and ambient intelligence
- Internet of Things (ioT)
- Industry 4.0/5.0
- Machine to machine communicationselematic methods
- Mathematics of networked systems
- Mobile sensor networks with low energy
- Optimization
- Remote control
- Remote sensor data acquisition
- Robotic networks
- Smart and connected cars
- Smart Grids
- Spacecraft operations
- Telematic Applications in Education
- Telematic methods
- Tele-maintenance
- Tele-operations
- Traffic control systems
- Tele-medicine and e-Health
- Telematics Applications of Education
- UAVs Applications

ICONS Organizing Committee

- Prof. Gian Antonio Susto, NOC Chair

- Prof. Angelo Cenedese, NOC Co-Chair

- Dr. Dave Cavalcanti, NOC VC Ind.

- Prof. Shuzhi Sam Ge, IPC Chair

- Prof. Lei Ma, IPC Co-Chair

- Dr. Ming Jiang, IPC VC Ind.

- Prof. Alexander Fay, Editor